Thursday, July 14, 2011


I don’t know what should I write today; certainly don’t have any topic to write for, so it's better to write randomly whatever is coming on my mind. Life is a bit funny with me or with every one but saying it from my perspective because I don’t know what’s happening in others' life. Surrounded with so many friends in Facebook but yet so alone; chatting with so many but still talking to myself give me more pleasure. Deep inside I feel there is something sad & depressing going on, don’t know what.

Where are my dreams gone? Where are those things gone which made me feel better? Now I don’t feel much pleasure in watching a cricket match, now I don’t feel pleasure doing a cricket discussion also. I have even forgotten the dream list that I made many years ago. What am I doing in my life? What's my purpose? Am I just existing my life? What is that i should chase in my life?

I am losing everything & I don’t know what to do about it! I don’t know which path will help me to chase my dreams; I don’t know what should I do to get back those things which I want! I have forgotten my dreams for something; i tried to chase a particular thing which I could never get; i nearly spent my 1 year chasing for a particular thing & I don’t know how much should I try for it because now for the first time, I am feeling helpless & darkness is what I am seeing!

I can’t spoil my dreams for that; I don’t know how to bring the same passion & intensity, the same zeal, the same energy & how will I get a right direction to go for it; I certainly don’t know! Currently looking towards God to help me out; something is out of my hands now. I always believed in one thing in life that we should never give up & keep on trying but now I certainly can’t! I can’t live such a life! I want to have all of my dreams back; I want the same Sheffali back; the old one who always believed in herself & who was never dependent on anybody else! I don’t want to depend on anyone else! God it's you who knows everything and it's you who can help me. Please help your child, I need you.


  1. that is very expressive, touching, senti ... remember behind every dark cloud there is a silver lining, and you will find it. Sheffers, I may be far, but the least I can is play my part and comfort you. Speak out to me okay, will call ): ):

  2. Thanks for the motivating words! Its fine i know how to handle myself :)

  3. glad to know ... but when you share when a bit down or feeling pretty low or sad, you tend to feel a lot better. And remember, am always there to help you out in whichever way I can from afar ... cheers gal :)

  4. Sheffali,tis is savio-basil's pal.,wat u've written out as a blog,most people wud keep to themselves. But i guess sumtimes sharing eases the burden. Life iz harsh at times,yet we have 2 pull through and come out stronger,and yes well expressed. My best wishes 2u.most people wud keep to themselves. But i guess sumtimes sharing eases the burden. Life iz harsh at times,yet we have 2 pull through and come out stronger,and yes well expressed. My best wishes 2u.

  5. Thanks a lot Savio!! I am a very introvert person.My friends think i am very talkative & share everything but to be true i hide everything from them!I keep everything with me than sharing it.Yeah i wrote this here in the blog because its like a kind of diary for me where i can express my mind easily!I am a person who do things in extreme-be it happiness or be in sadness!! So that day i was extreme sad lol Now i am fine & Thanks a lot for reading :)
